Double Fine
I've been at Double Fine since early 2018. What a ride! Some of the crazy stuff I've helped build is below.
Psychonauts 2
My work on Psychonauts 2 primarily focused on Psi King's Sensorium, a psychedelic romp through the overstimulation induced synesthesia of one of the original Psychonauts, but I also worked on almost every part of the game. I worked with strike teams to create both E3 "demos", which laid the foundation for the intro and tutorial level Loboto's Labyrinth, and on various level teams to bring many of the brains to fruition. At Double Fine we all wear many hats and my responsibilities encompassed level design, feature design, combat design, visual scripting, editing cutscenes, and technical writing.
Double Fine PsychOdyssey and The Amnesia Fortnight Movie
I'm also featured in the documentary Double Fine's PsychOdyssey, and The Amnesia Fortnight Movie! Watch me work! I don't show up until Episode 16, but you should consider watching the whole documentary; it's a masterwork and phenomenal undertaking by 2 Player Productions. It spans 5+ years and over 6000 hours of footage. Check out both below.