Torchlight Single Player Concept
This is actually the level design test that I completed for my first job in the industry! The goal was to create a playable single player level in Torchlight. For my level, I wanted to tell a story, allow players to level, and, most of all, give players the agency to take out tons of mobs! The level guides players from level 1 to 5, and requires that you upgrade your weapons and player stats. Common methods utilized are gating to direct player flow and mob size, triggers that are only active on the second pass through (i.e. after completing an objective), and three major areas to complete before being granted the exit. In game, this would be a "bonus", or treasure, level. The entire gameplay lasts about 20-30 minutes, depending on play style. Complete with extra rooms and puzzles that require more risk to gain more loot!
Download everything you need to play my level in game:
Download everything you need to play my level in game: |
Game Design Document coming soon!